Holistic and Complementary Therapies 

Our signature treatment 

Aroma back massage followed by 1/2 Reflexology treatment - £45 
This wonderful signature treatment was developed to enable you to enjoy both of your favourite holistic treatments together so that you don't have to choose between the two. It has very quickly become a firm favourite. 
Firstly we carry out an aromatherapy back, neck and shoulder massage using pure essential oils blended especially for your individual needs and then, when your muscles are eased, we move onto a half reflexology session to help your body to restore its natural balance, promote relaxation and to maintain good general health. 

Holistic Therapies 

Reflexology - £35 
Used to promote relaxation, maintain good health and to help with conditions such as digestive disorders, migraines, back problems, sciatica, joint and muscle tension and many more. Using massage and reflex points on the hands and feet to rid the body of toxins and restore its natural balance. 
Reiki - £40 
The Japanese art of spiritual healing. Fantastic anti-stress techniques which accelerates the natural healing process by harmonising the body's energies. This is not a belief system. If you don't believe, it will still work! No side effects and no contra-indications make this the perfect treatment for all. For more information about Reiki you can read my Reiki Blog by clicking here. 

Massage Therapies 

Incorporating natural pure essential oils with massage. 
Blended for you to suit your individual needs to enhance well-being, restore balance & help with a variety of conditions. 
Full Body Massage - £56 
Back, Neck & Shoulder - £33 
Lava Shell Warming Back Massage - £40 
Enjoy the warm and deeply relaxing experience of a Lava Shell massage. Fantastic for soothing aches using a combination of sea kelp and minerals for a long lasting deep heat.  
To book your next appointment, call us today on 07889 744348 or Click Here